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趣爱秀 2015-08-22 00:33:47 原文链接:网络



1.He is not fit to command others that cannot command himself.正人先正己。
If your morals make you dreary. depend upon it, they are wrong. (Robert Louis Stevenson, British novelist)
如果你的品行使你郁郁寡欢,那么,这些操行无疑是错误的。(英国小说家 斯蒂文森.R.L.)


It is not enough to do good; one must do it the right way. (John Morley, British statesman)
人不仅要做好事,更要以正确的方式做好事。(英国政治家 莫利.J.)

Mutual forgiveness of each vice, such are the gates of Paradise. (William Black, British poet)
彼此宽容对方的弊病,乃是通向天堂之门。(英国诗人 布莱克.W.)


Personality is to man what perfume is to a flower. (C C Schwab. US A Businessman)

品格之于人,犹如芳香之于花。(美国实业家 施瓦布 C .C.)

Plain living and high thinking. (william Wordsworth, British poet)
生活要朴素,情操要高尚。(英国诗人 德莱顿., J)


We know the good, we apprehend it clearly, but we can't bring it to achievement. To persevere, trusting in what hopes he has, is courage in a man. (Euripides , ancient Creek dramatist.)
我们懂得善,咱们理解善,然而我们无奈实现善。人的勇气就是坚信自己的渴望可能实现,并为之进行大义凛然的努力。(法国作家 赖奇特 J. P)

Words may be false and full of arts ,sighs are the natural language of the heart. (Thomas Shadwell, British dramatist)
语言可能是谎言并带有技巧;叹气才是心灵的自然流露。(英国剧作家 沙德韦尔.T.)


iterature is a kind of intellectual light which, like the light of the sun, may sometimes enable us to see what we do not like. (Samuse Johnson,British writer and critic)
文学是一种理智之光,它跟阳光一样,有时能使我们看到咱们不喜好的东西。(英国作家、批评家 约翰逊 S)

The value of culture is its effect on character. It avails nothing unless it ennobles and strengthens that. Its use is for life. Its aim is not beauty but goodness. (Somerset Maugham, British noverlist and dramatist)

文明的价值在于它对人类品性的影响。除非文化能使品性变为高尚、有力。文化的作用在于裨益人生,它的目标不是美,而是善。(英国小说家跟戏剧家 毛姆 S)


Words have a magical power. They can bring either the greatest happiness or deepest despair; can transfer knowledge from teacher to students words enable the orator to sway his audience and dictate its decisions. Words are capable of arousing the strongest emotions and prompting all man's actions. Do not ridicule the use of words in psychotherapy. (Sigmund Freud, German Psychiatrist)
言辞存在不堪假想的力量。他们能带来最大的幸福,也能带来最深的失望;能把常识从老师传给学生;言辞能使演说者左右他的听众,并强行代替他们作出决定。言辞能激发最大强烈的情感,促进人的所有举措。不要嘲笑言辞在心理治疗当中的的用途。(德国精神分析学家 弗洛伊德 S)


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