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趣爱秀 2015-08-22 00:33:55 原文链接:网络


Scarlett Johansson is, of course, priceless — but has her Hollywood price actually risen to the top of the lady-actor payrolls?

A report out Monday claimed "The Avengers" femme fatale would earn a cool $20 million for her return to the superhero blockbuster’s sequel. That amount would trounce Angelina Jolie’s highest-paid actress record for her $19-million role in “The Tourist.”

ScarJo's character, Black Widow,英语学习网站, is a fan favorite, and the actress played the leather-clad Russian agent with sultry verve. But she pocketed only $400,000 for her role in"Iron Man 2,"another sequel to a cash-cow production.

Having heard nothing about such exceptionally exorbitant earnings, ScarJo's rep told E! Online the report was unsubstantiated. It's not the only rumor the 28-year-old actress' camp has debunked recently.

Johansson's bikini body (also known as tabloid gold) was photographed lounging on a yacht this week off the coast of Italy, next to a muscular — and shirtless — unidentified man. New love interest? Is there something boyfriend Nate Naylor needs to know?

Nope. Turns out, mystery dude was just her longtime bodyguard.

"If you go back and look at photos from the premiere of the 'Avengers' in Rome, you'll see it's her security guard," her rep told the New York Daily News.

2000万片酬?!斯嘉丽真的盆满钵满? 斯嘉丽·约翰逊(Scarlett Johansson)无疑是大牌明星——可她是不是个每部电影2千万美元片酬的大牌呢? 斯嘉丽·约翰逊是无价之宝。不过她是否已经回升到好莱坞女影星片酬排行榜榜首了呢?

上周一,一份报道爆料称“《复仇者同盟》里的美女黑寡妇若出演该片续集将收入令人瞠目结舌的2千万美元片酬。”这个数字将超越安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)出演《致命伴侣》时的1千9百万美元,使斯嘉丽一跃成为好莱坞片酬最高女演员。


斯嘉丽自己对如此夸张要价表示一无所知。她的发言人告诉E! Online,那份报道完全是无稽之谈。而且斯嘉丽最近要辟的谣还不止“2千万片酬”这一桩。

上周,斯嘉丽被拍到身着比基尼浮现在意大利海边的一艘游艇上,身边站着一位未穿上衣肌肉发达神秘男子。难道是新欢?这事她现任男友内特·内勒(Nate Naylor)知道吗?


