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英语爱情故事:贾斯汀和杰西卡订婚 四年情路修成正果

趣爱秀 2015-08-22 00:33:35 原文链接:网络



Hollywood’s elite helped this happy couple celebrate their upcoming nuptials — we’re thrilled for them.好莱坞名流们都在为这对未来的新人欢庆他们即将到来的婚礼——咱们都很激动!

Justin Timberlake may have popped the question to Jessica Biel in December, but they finally celebrated their engagement with a huge party for all of their A-list friends!Justin Timberlake大略在去年12月就已经向Jessica Biel求婚了,但当初他们终于以豪华宴会的方式邀请众多绅士友人奇特欢庆订婚仪式。


Justin, 31, and Jessica, 30, celebrated on May 26 with 100 guests at the L.A. home of Jessica’s stylist Estee Stanley, PEOPLE reports. Superstars like Ellen DeGeneres, Amy Adams, Lance Bass, JC Chasez and Timbaland all attended — and they had a great time!据《人物》报道,5月26日在Jessica造型师Estee Stanley位于洛杉矶的家中,31岁的Justin跟30岁的Jessica邀请了100来名宾客独特欢庆他们的订婚。像Ellen DeGeneres, Amy Adams, Lance Bass, JC Chasez and Timbaland之类的巨星都缺席了这次典礼,他们玩得很愉快。

“Justin and Jessica arrived at the party looking very excited,” a source said. “Jessica was stunning in a long dress with her hair down. Estee created a very warm, welcoming and festive party for the couple. [They] danced and looked very happy.”“Justin跟Jessica缺席宴会时都面露喜色,”一知情人士说。“Jessica身着长裙,长发披肩,光彩照人。Estee则给这对新人策划了一个温馨喜庆的欢迎派对。(他们)始终在跳舞,并且看上去很快乐。”

Do YOU think Justin and Jessica will have one of the best celeb weddings ever?你们觉得JustinJessica的婚礼会不会成为空前奢华的明星婚礼中的一个呢?


